Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's a Learning Process

So I've only been doing freelance writing full time for about 6 weeks. So for I haven't made a whole lot of money and the money that I have made has taken me so long to make, it's much more profitable to get a regular job. I know there are freelance writers out there that make well over $100,000/year. I'm tryna get like them! I know it's gonna take time, but I also know that I'm doing something wrong. I've never really valued reading all the freelance articles I subscribe to, but I'm going to spend more time doing that, cause what I'm doing aint working. The goal in life is to make your money work for you instead of you having to work for you money. I'm working super hard for my money right now! Not that I'm complaining I know that I have to put in work and time to get to a certain goal, but I need to find a way there first. We've all been encouraged to take the road less traveled, well this time I'm taking the most heavily traveled path, the one with the most footprints and highest success rate!

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