Friday, October 29, 2010

Im Working to Make Money Here!

What is wrong with these people?! Do they not know I'm a freelance writer, which does not mean my services are FREE! I bid on jobs and they want me to submit sample work, which I don't normally have a problem with but when you're asking me to 4 and 5 600 word articles, for free?? Yeah, I have a problem with that! Especially when I have a website ( where I display my sample work...I mean if I'm a good writer, then I'm a good writer. This one lady is insisting that I do sample work for her project and the only reason I'm going to do it, is because is a huge project and if I get it, it will be a pay a lot of my bills...but for the most part I will direct you to my website or do a small sample.

I don't mean to sound stuck up or that I'm too good to do your sample work, its just that my time is my most valuable asset, and if I'm working all day on doing sample work for people when am I ever going to make money?? I'm just saying...I'm working to make money here!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's a Learning Process

So I've only been doing freelance writing full time for about 6 weeks. So for I haven't made a whole lot of money and the money that I have made has taken me so long to make, it's much more profitable to get a regular job. I know there are freelance writers out there that make well over $100,000/year. I'm tryna get like them! I know it's gonna take time, but I also know that I'm doing something wrong. I've never really valued reading all the freelance articles I subscribe to, but I'm going to spend more time doing that, cause what I'm doing aint working. The goal in life is to make your money work for you instead of you having to work for you money. I'm working super hard for my money right now! Not that I'm complaining I know that I have to put in work and time to get to a certain goal, but I need to find a way there first. We've all been encouraged to take the road less traveled, well this time I'm taking the most heavily traveled path, the one with the most footprints and highest success rate!

We all have to start somewhere

Being a full time student, mom and working on building my own business is no easy task. It takes a lot of discipline, focus and motivation and I seem to be lacking in all those areas. I love to write, don't get me wrong and not having to work under another persons rules is amazing. But I'm still getting used to waking up and being at home all day. It's so easy to sit in front of the TV and eat with no real responsibilities. But wait! I have a ton of responsibilities, way more responsibilities I had when I was working a 9-5 job. I have to get up everyday and make it happen for myself. There is no day I can slack off, be sleepy, not feel good, or want to be lazy. Everyday I have to wake up, bid on jobs, work on projects, submit proposals, edit and proofread. I'm struggling, am ready to give up and go back to a 'normal' job it's so much easier to work for somebody else. I don't quite have the motivation and drive it takes to be a successful freelancer, but we all have to start somewhere...